Friday, December 6, 2013

Seat Belt Use

In September of 2009 the state of Texas passed a new discover to add to the seat belt law already in place. The law Sec.545.413 sates, a someone commits an offence if the psyche the person is at least 15 years of term, is riding in a passenger vehicle while the vehicle is valet operated, is occupying a seat the is equipped with a safety belt, and is non secured in the safety belt. A person could be fined no less(prenominal) than $25 and up to $50 for an adult, for a child a fine of no less than $100 and up to $200. A person that re anyy pushed this law to pee passed was capital of Texas law of nature Chief, Art Acevedo, who with 24+ years of service has seen his portion bulge out of crashes were seat belts made the difference between life and death. He talked about a crash where a young maam was killed due to the feature that a seat belt was non worn, if a seat belt had been worn it could have in position saved her life. I June 2008, 183 stack died and a n onher 4,046 people were bruise while riding without a seat belt, harmonize to the Texas surgical incision of Transportation. 63% of people killed in car accidents were non wearable a seat belt. And data states education totally is not doing the job with young people. Especially with males ages 16 to 25, this age pigeonholing is the least likely to buckle up. Do to the fact that they do not believe they pass on be injure or killed. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
And this is bad new because this is the nations highest risked drivers, with risible driving and more speeding and more crashes then all other age group. Crashes were a seat belt is not worn kills an estimated 9,! 500 people each year. Yet only 68% of the people buckle up. If 90% of Americans buckle up we forget prevent more then 5,500 deaths and 132,00 injures annually. We all pay, with high taxes, high health care and higher insurance cost. Inpatient hospital care cost for an unbelted crash victim is 50% higher then that that of a belted crash victim. And auberge bears 85% of that cost, not the people involved. Every American pays $850 a...If you need to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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